SKU : Ice Melt 40# Pallet Evolve Store Price :
Only Shippable to the East Coast - Anywhere else, please call for pricing.Ice and Snow Melt is a 5-star rated, high performance ice and snow melt blend that is safer for kids, pets, and shrubs and acts quickly at lower temperatures. It is packaged in 30lb pails and 40lb bags. Latex-ite Ice and Snow melt’s crystal flakes work quicker as it contains a fast-acting De-Icer agent. No powdery residue so you don’t have to worry about tracking. Organic tint added which gives you better coverage. If you have a large area you can use a Scott’s fertilizer spreader to apply: a setting of between 10-12 on the Scotts Dial should work. Remember, Latex-ite Ice and Snow Melt should not be used on old or structurally poor concrete. It should not be used on concrete that is less than 1 year old. Keep treated slush away from plants and vegetation as best as possible. Keep product in a dry place when not in use. We now offer the ice melt in 30lb pails and 40lb bags by the pallet!
(56) 40# Bags of Ice and Snow Melt **SHIPPING PRICE IS INCLUDED** |